Upcoming Events
Community Night
Stop by the ICA Grounds for some neighbourly communion. The Skate Shack bathrooms will be open and we'll have the Skate Shack concession open for cheap treats and the occasional hot dog night. Let the kids run wild at the playground, kick a ball around the field or skate while you chat with another adult. No kids? Come to meet your neighbours, bring a game or project you’re working on to keep your hands busy or help break the ice, or just come to be near other people without the pressure to socialize. All Inglewood residents welcome. The Skate Shack is not wheelchair accessible. Dates to be announced.
Holiday Card Project
The ICA’s seasonal card campaign is about to ramp up. Take a few moments to write a message of kindness on a few cards that will be delivered to a neighbour over the winter holidays. Donate blank or homemade cards, write messages in donated cards, help out at a cardmaking bee or make some deliveries. We collected and delivered 351 cards in 2023 and we have a goal of 500 cards for 2024. Cardmaking Bees take place at the same time as Shack Chat, Community Night, the Halloween Party, and Holiday Party.