Saturday, August 10
9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Inglewood Wildlands Parking Lot, 2405 9th Avenue SE
Pack up all your garage sale leftovers to donate, recycle, or dispose of right here in Inglewood.
Thank you to our partners, the City of Calgary, Shanked Recycling, Bowest Appliances, and the Drop-In Centre for bringing their services to Inglewood.
Donate your good-quality, working, current housewares, clothing, linens, electronics, small appliances, furniture, and more to the Drop-In Centre Free Goods Program.
The DI does NOT accept the following items:
Books, broken items or furniture, car seats, cribs, high chairs, strollers, electric exercise equipment, helmets, home reno products, kingsize beds, large appliances, large glass hitches, large office furniture, patio furniture, or yard maintenance supplies.
Recycle Do you have old, broken, and out-of-date electronics, large and small appliances, electric cords, power tools, lawn and garden tools, controllers, video game consoles, or other things that can be plugged in OR metal cluttering up your life?
Recycle all of it for free right here in Inglewood thanks to Shanked Recycling and Bowest Appliances.
Dispose Do you have household and yard waste cluttering up your life? Throw it all away without paying dump fees right here in your community thanks to the City of Calgary Community Standards and Waste and Recycling.
The following items can NOT be disposed of at Dump Day:
AC units, car seats, chemicals, glass, household recycling, paint, tires, railroad ties, and waste mattresses.
Here are some hints on how to pack your vehicle to make the drop-off easy and efficient once you arrive at the dump site.
First in last out rule - pack your vehicle in the opposite order you will need to unload it at the dump site.
1. Pack waste in your trunk/truck/trailer first.
What counts as waste? Household and yard waste (no compost truck on site), garbage, broken items, and furniture that can’t be recycled or donated.
The following items can NOT be disposed of at Dump Day:
AC units, car seats, chemicals, glass, household recycling, tires, paint, railroad ties, waste mattresses.
2. Pack e-recycling second – Shanked Recycling
What counts as e-recycling? Out-of-date and/or broken computers/servers, laptops, notebooks, tablets, TVs, monitors, printers, copiers & scanners, fax machines, small appliances, audio visual, telecom devices, power and air tools, games, toys, and music, lawn & garden.
3. Pack metal recycling and broken/old/large appliances third - Bowest Appliances
4. Pack good quality used items to donate to the Drop-In Centre last.
Greatest Needs:
· Bed frames, box springs, and mattresses (without rips, tears, or stains)
· Can openers
Couches (without rips, tears, or stains)
Kitchen tables and chairs
Men’s and women’s underwear
Travel-size hygiene supplies
General Items We Accept:
Clothing, linens, and towels
Computers and electronics
Gently used to new furniture
Household miscellaneous, kitchenware, and small appliances
Hygiene supplies
